Author: Steven Perezluha
Date Changes: 2020 Florida Polytechnic Time Series
I have updated the dates for the 2020 Florida Polytechnic Time Trial Series. The April (4/19) and May (5/10) dates have been postponed to 6/21 and 7/26. There will still be 8 more time trials remaining with the following updated schedule:
2020 Dates (All on Sunday Mornings)
1) February 9
2) March 15
April 19 (Post-Poned)
May 10 (Post-Poned)
3) June 7
4) June 21 (NEW DATE!)
5) July 5
6) July 26 (NEW DATE!)
7) August 16
8) September 20
9) October 11
10) November 8
In the mean time, for those looking to continue to challenge themselves during this “off-race season” time, I have a special 2-month time trial training plan I am offering for $179. This is a time trial specific training program that will be designed to improve your time trial ability and learn valuable tips for racing your best time trial. This training plan can start anytime between now until the end of April.
This training plan includes a performance analysis on one’s current training level. This will start a riders plan with a either base building phase or go right into more in depth time trial training. So, no matter what level, this training plan will benefit you!
Also, this training plan will include 2 performance power/time trial tests that can be self-tests or include the June 7-July 5th Florida Polytechnic Time Trial as a peak performance day. As an added bonus, riders that sign up for the training plan will receive a special discount to the rest of the 2020 Florida Polytechnic Time Trial Series.
Take advantage of the open roads and solo training to get in the best shape of the year! Feel free to share this post and contact me (Stevenacrossamerica@gmail.com) for beginning your training plan. Ride safe and stay strong!
New Records Set at the 2nd Florida Polytechnic Time Trial!
Wow! What a weekend with a ton of excellent performances and records crushed!🌞🏆 This past Saturday we say near perfect TT considering with very little wind, sunshine, and 70 degrees to start the TT. We had records crushed across the board with the following:
1. Highest TT attendance ever!
2. Most client power records and personal time records in one day
3. Men’s road bike record all time set (Juan Martinez)
4. Women’s Road bike record all time set (@tonya.blocker)
5. Men’s TT Bike Record (Eric Oleson @cat5pro)
Results from the 3/15/20 time trial:
Pictures from the 3-15-20:
Central Florida Hills Cycling Camp is two weeks away!
Central Florida Hills Cycling Camp is March 21-22, 2020!
View additional details and registration here below:
2020 Florida Polytechnic Time Trial Series!
The Florida Polytechnic Time Trial Series Starts 2/9/20!
2020Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp was a blast!
The 2020 Perezluha Coaching Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp was the best turnout for a camp yet with 19 riders including myself. Thank you to all you attended this camp and I hope you had an amazing weekend of riding around the Heartland of Florida! Huge thanks to the amazing support from Humayun Qureshi and Bearded Bike Doc along with our sponsors HammerNutrition, Sunbum, Mumu Cycling Apparel, and Solowarrior Socks. Check out the pictures from this camp below! This is the final part of day 1 ~130 miles from Florida Polytechnic University to Venice a long with a few other highlights ☀️🌎 #perezluhacoaching #findthechampionwithin #perezluhacoachingcyclingcamps
Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp 2020!
Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp 2020
Posted by Perezluha Coaching on Friday, December 6, 2019
Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp is just over 1-month away!
The Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp is coming up in just over a month on January 10-12, 2020! This will be an excellent way to kick off 2020 with a 3-day cycling training camp-tour where you will ride 300 miles in 3-days with full support. This camp will traverse through some of Florida’s best cycling roads starting at Florida Polytechnic University in Lakeland Florida heading to the sandy gulf beach roads down near Venice then through miles of orange groves along with a fun gravel section! During this camp, you will get to see some of the best roads to ride on in central Florida and get a great weekend of training in. We will start 7:30am Friday morning and end Sunday afternoon around 3:00pm.
This camp will be an excellent training opportunity to work on building endurance, long distance sustainable power, drafting practice, cadence and efficiency practice, and nutrition for long distance riding. With an experienced coach, full SAG support including lunch stops and riding fuel, and a fun and motivated group of riders, you will be able to push yourself longer and harder than you think! Riders have gotten their first centuries on this camp and since each day is a one-way ride, every mile will be new one with memories to be made. Registration is still open with full amount due by 12/19/19. Shared room is $549 and solo room is $699. Everything is included except alcohol and deserts 🙂 See website link below to register and message me with any questions (stevenacrossamerica@gmail.com)