Category: Uncategorized
2021 Perezluha Coaching Cycling Kits for Sale!
Tri-State Cycling Camp Success!
July 11, 2021 Time Trial Pictures
The special edition time trial is back next Sunday 7/11!
The Special Edition Time Trial is coming up next Sunday 7/11! This is an 8.5 mile course on one of of the nicest cycling roads in Florida. It features rolling hills, orange groves, lakes, and bends and turns to offer a full time trial experience. This road actually feels like a bike trail to start with a one lane road then opens up to two lanes when it goes out into the orange groves. This course will challenge riders and also give riders the ability to test themselves on a different course with more variables like hills and high speed bends which might mix up the results 🏆
We are highly recommending Pre-Registration and encourage car-pooling as parking will be limited. We will also have a registration limit of 40 riders max.
View more information below as this is a different location from the normal time trial:
Registration Page:
Hope to see you there. There are only two of these time trials this year so you don’t want to miss out!
#PerezluhaCoaching #Findthechampionwithin #floridapolytechnictimetrialseries #hammernutrition #solowarriorsocks #mumucyclingapparel @hammernutrition @solowarriorsocks @mumuapparel
6-13-21 Florida Polytechnic Time Trial #5 Start List
Perezluha Coaching Cycling Kits for sale! Limited Time Final Inventory Sale $100
5-2-21 Time Trial Start List
5-2-21 Time Trial Registration + Cycling Kit Sale!
The next Florida Polytechnic Time Trial is this Sunday! We will have road bike men/women starting at ~8:30am and TT bike men/women starting at 9:30am. We also have team time trial options and categories for any rider classification. With the State Time Trial coming up in two weeks from this Sunday, we will have the same eddy Merckx rules apply for riders which is only a wheel rim depth increase from 60 to 80mm. Come on out for a morning of time trial action on one of the best courses in Florida🌞 Register here below:
We will also be having a special cycling kit sale for the remaining original blue @perezluhacoaching kits. Full Kits are $100, Bibs $55, Jerseys $50, Speedsuits $110, skinsuits, $125. Here are the sizes we have left:
- XS
- M (bib only)
- L (bib only)
- XL (bib only)
- XS (jersey only)
- XL (jersey only)
- XS
- XL
- XS
- XL
#perezluhacoaching #findthechampionwithin #wherechampionsaremade #floridapolytechnictimetrialseries