January 4-6, 2019 Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp!

The dates are set for the winter cycling camp-tour around the Heartland of Florida! Don’t miss out on this 300 mile, 3 day 2 night epic training adventure tour where you will get some amazing training in, see some hidden gems and beautiful Florida scenery, and only have to worry about riding your bike as everything is included with full SAG support. Click picture^ for more details and registration! 

Perezluha Coaching Tent

And god said… let there be a Perezluha Coaching tent. Thanks to chuck at MUMU Cycling Apparel for lining this up and helping with the design! Very happy how it turned out! Look out for the Perezluha Coaching tent at events and races near you! This tent will offer a welcoming spot to warm up along with coaching resources and information on upcoming events. 

Summer North Carolina Climbing WaterFall Camp Blast!

The Summer 2018 North Georgia-North Carolina Climbing Camp was a successful blast! Rider’s took part in a 5-day 4 night epic climbing camp filled with quiet North Carolina back roads, Six Gap Century climbs, hidden waterfall stops, great food, smiles, and good times! Nothing like knocking out a big day of climbing on the bike and enjoying an epic gravel road with water fall excursion towards the end. Check out the photo gallery of this camp (click picture above^)! Stay tuned as Fall-Winter 2018 Camps are to be announced soon!

Mastery of Remaining Calm

“One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm”~ Catherine Pulsifer


The mastery of remaining calm comes from changing the way the mind thinks. To exercise patience and positive thoughts instead of freaking out or panicking. One way I have learned to remain calm is to remind myself of something very stressful or uncomfortable from the past and comparing it to the current situation. Living through extreme or ridiculous situations help to keep everything in perspective, and help to master to remain calm and collected.

Read more here or by clicking picture above^

Upcoming Event Training Plans Announced!

The Six Gap Century Ride, Florida State Road Race, and Pittsburgh’s Dirty Dozen Bike Ride are coming up this fall! Each one of these events has demands with hills and tough climbs and I have engineered training plans designed specifically to prepare for each event. Each plan is also geared to improve your FTP, hill climbing efficiency, and all-around strength and ability. Through the training and coaching you will also build a mental toughness and tenacity to help to learn the art winning. Start training today and click below to learn more about these value packed training plans!

Congratulations to Jeanine Seeger! National Road Race Champion!

       Perezluha Coaching has its first National Champion! That’s right, on June 16th Jeanine Seeger found the champion within, winning the Women’s 40-44 National Road Race on the Fort Gordon Military Base near Augusta, GA. This win came after a lot of adversity with the contemplation of not even doing the road race at all. I’m glad I was able to help Jeanine accomplish this goal! Read more on this inspirational coaching journey by clicking picture above!

Finding the Strength Within

       Working really hard towards a long sought goal and accomplishing it while having everything work out as it should, is a wonderful feeling. Cherish these moments. I love to see these moments and helping people accomplish their goals. I know what it’s like to train for something and have things work out as planned. There is no better feeling. And it feels even greater after going through times when stuff doesn’t go as planned. How to handle the situations when things go wrong and getting through the darkest hours is when the biggest strength can be found.

       Any time I ever had a bad day on ride to Alaska and back, the biggest motivator I always thought of was how much worse the situation could be. Realizing there was someone out there at this very moment that was much worse off and that our bodies were healthy, just suffering, helped me make it through these times. Still, there are no struggles and dark times on the Alaska trip that can remotely compare my Uncle being paralyzed and not being able to ride at all.

       The strength that you can find in your weakest condition is some of the hardest to find and will stay with you forever. Dark times can also come in the form of one’s demons. Knowing your demons and weaknesses are just as important as your strengths and in due time can be turned around into positive growth. How we carry ourselves through the times when we fail and fuck up is where our true character can be found.

       A wise gambler once said: “when you get up, you get out”. Learning when to walk away with confidence, never get too greedy, and count your blessings before you lose them. Face the demons and say “Fuck You” I’m done. When true success does come, you will be able have the “fuck you position”. This is the ability to not let these demons (distractions, flaws, bad habits, haters, negativity, and bad persuasion) drag your success down and say “fuck you” to them.

       Take the success with you in your good times to any hard times you ever have and be grateful; not thinking of your best times, but realizing how much worse it could be.
When being strong in life is all you have left and you can get through it, a race or game really doesn’t mean anything anymore, and you can overcome anything -with confidence.

Basic Power Zones vs Enhanced Power Zones? 

       Taking a deeper look into power zones in cycling. Coggan Classic Power Levels (Basic) vs Coggan Individual Power levels (enhanced).

       The 6 zones in the Coggan Classic Power Levels will do just fine for most people. However, the Coggan Individual levels will provide a better breakdown for the classic Zone 5/V02 Max and Zone 6/Anaerobic Capacity Power.

       By looking at the breakdown of the FRC (Functional Reserve Capacity) zones in the Coggan Individual levels , we can better prescribe Anaerobic Capacity intervals of 3 minutes or less with more specific ranges. Note each athlete’s FRC will differ in their timed ranges based on their own individual training data. Click below for more info on this topic:

Tenacity: It’s how BAD you want it!

How Bad You Want It👊👊👊
        I like to work with people who really want it bad. When I say want it bad, this is the determination to improve oneself, the ability to suffer, the ability to stay disciplined with training, and ability to be fully committed. This isn’t wanting a trophy or medal or any physical object for that matter. This is the internal validation that with the confidence and tenacity you will work for and in due time, accomplish your hard-fought goals. These goals can be fitness related, races, challenges, mental struggles, or even any feat you may not currently deem possible. It starts with really striving hard for success in one’s training and accepting the challenge to suffer and put the work in, knowing that it is preparing for a bigger goal.
        I really like to coach people that want it bad, because if you want it bad, then I want it just as bad. Usually in a short amount of time of coaching someone, I can tell how bad they want it. I don’t care what skill level you are; whether you are going to complete your first time up Sugarloaf Mountain Road, to riding a 30km in under 40 minutes. If you want it badly enough, we will accomplish it. As a coach, I am here to push you past your limits and guide you in the process. This coach-athlete connection will uplift each other together as the goals and barriers are conquered. This also allows you to have less to think about and ensure your work and efforts are used wisely. I say this because I know what its like to really want to accomplish a goal really bad and do it. There’s nothing better than surrounding yourself with those to help make you the best and drive you to conquer your goals.
        In the bike racing sense, there are many cases where a race may truly come to who wants to win the most. Who is going to take a risk and go all in with it. Who is going to take the outcome of the race into their own hands and go for glory. Last week in the sunshine gran prix, I took that chance and reminded myself to take it with confidence which ended up landing me on the top step. In this case I followed the almighty moto and did not hold anything back. I knew what I had left. The key to success in any race or in life is to:
Know what you got
Spare what you got
Use what you got