Author: Steven Perezluha
2019 Florida State Time Trial Championships 20KM Pacing Chart
Clermont Hills Cycling Camp March 23-24, 2019 Video!
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1st Florida Polytechnic Time Trial was a Success!
Today, I held the first 2019 Florida Polytechnic Time Trial Series and had record attendance of 25 registrants. I can’t thank you all enough for the attendance and helping to grow this event. Not only is this an excellent place to run a time trial, but by holding 1 time trial per month, it is the perfect compliment to a training program to have a consistent repeatable test each month. Today, I got to see 4 of the athletes I coach hit peak performances. Nice work Scott Cugno for the fastest time of the day! A year ago, we would go out to Florida Polytechnic University ever other week to pound out a training session. Today, he crushed his time from last year by over a minute and 40 watts more.
I can’t wait for 7 more time trials coming up this year with way more peak performances to be set by more and more riders. I look forward to making each one these time trials the best it can be! Thanks Humayun Qureshi for the assistance and pictures today! Thanks to our sponsors: Hammer Nutrition, MUMU Cycling Apparel, Solowarriorsocks
Central Florida Hills Cycling Camp is set for March 23-24, 2019!
Click for more info on this camp^
This is a 2 day, 2 night cycling training camp in the beautiful rolling hills of Central Florida based out of Clermont. This camp will feature key hill climbing training around Florida’s steepest roads! Here riders will get the best hands on practice on a variety of hill circuits and focus on essential climbing components to maximize their physical and mental capabilities. This camp is geared to teach you how to become a better rider in the hills and will feature a special Sugarloaf Mountain workout, short term power testing of 1-3 minutes, a descending and cornering clinic, and hands on coaching on how to best ride a hilly circuit.
This camp will come with full professional SAG support by Bearded Bike Doc and also include homemade lunch stops at scenic parks next to beautiful lakes. Come see why the hills of Clermont is one of the best places to train in Florida and the Southeastern United States!
2019 Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp Video!
Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp was a Blast!!!
The 2019 Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp was a blast! We had new are returning riders at this camp and had some complete their longest rides ever for 1-3 days! Weather was calm and sunny with some moderate wind as we cruised through orange groves and beautiful uncharted backroads in the center of Florida. Huge thanks to Bryce Anderson (Bearded Bike Doc) for providing excellent SAG support and safety! Also thanks to Hammer Nutrition for providing quality endurance fuel to our riders throughout this 3-day 307 mile bicycle camp-excursion. Click above for entire photo gallery^
Florida Polytechnic Time Trial Series 2019 dates have been posted!!

The Florida Polytechnic Time Trial Series is back for 2019!!!
Come out and test yourself against the clock on one of the finest time trial courses in Central Florida! This unique time trial series will feature a structured warm up with pacing and a motivational talk with coach starting 1-hour before each time trial. Events will take place on select Saturday’s between February-October, 2019. This is a perfect training opportunity to learn valuable warm-up strategy which will help you to perform your best for each time trial. Whether you have a time trial bike or road bike, this 8 mile course will also serve as a perfect 20 minute power test location. There will be an optional endurance-tempo group ride after all the riders have finished each time trial event. This will give you the ability to crush an 8 mile time trial and enjoy some good miles with a group after to make a morning out of it.
January 4-6, 2019 Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp

Details are finalized for the January 4-6, 2019 Heartland of Florida Cycling Camp. This is a 3 day cycling camp-excursion starting from Florida Polytechnic University. This route will include lightly traveled country roads with views of open ranches, lakes, sandy beaches, crystal blue waters of the gulf of Mexico, the Peace River, rolling orange groves, and much more of Florida’s undeveloped land. Come see some of Florida’s small towns and quiet beach roads on this journey that will prelude to the longer excursion down to Key West! Each day will be 75-125 miles. This will be an excellent training opportunity and adventure which you will be challenged and have fun on the journey! Enjoy an all inclusive cycling excursion including coaching, sag support, bike mechanics, meals, and lodging!