Perezluha Coaching BibBoards Pins
$11 each or 2 for $20 SALE! Until 2/16/25
+ Free Shipping or pick up 2/16/25 @Poly TT
*$14 each or 2 for $25 Regular (after 2/16/25)
Get a set of these today to replace safety pins and stop destroying your clothing!
Single BibBoard Sale $11:
Two BibBoards $20:
*Price at checkout includes Tax-PayPal Fee, and Free Shipping. Include your Shipping Address in PayPal Note. Send $10.70 or $21.40 directly via Venmo (@Steven-Perezluha) or Zelle ( to avoid PayPal Fee.

Single BibBoard Sale $11:
Two BibBoards $20:
*Price at checkout includes Tax-PayPal Fee, and Free Shipping. Include your Shipping Address in PayPal Note. Send $10.70 or $21.40 directly via Venmo (@Steven-Perezluha) or Zelle ( to avoid PayPal Fee.